Modern exhaust gas cleaning systems including CO₂ processing
Presentation of state-of-the-art emission abatement technologies and discussion of emerging techniques for waste gas cleaning systems in the cement industry
Target group
Process and environmental engineers, environmental experts, plant managers, representatives from national and international cement organisations as well as from authorities
The legal requirements to reduce emissions from cement plants challenge the cement industry to continuously improve its high level of environmental protection. With the entry into force of the revised European Industrial Emissions Directive and the Air Quality Directive, there is a strong focus on the further reduction of industrial emissions. In addition, emerging decarbonisation technologies require the adaptation or introduction of new technologies to clean exhaust gas streams from cement plants. Also, further emission reduction is an ongoing issue, particularly in relation to the legal framework that applies when alternative fuels and raw materials are used.
In most cases, regulatory requirements can only be met through the application of efficient end-of-pipe abatement measures. This seminar will provide an overview of current and emerging abatement technologies and present operational experience from several full-scale installations. To complete the picture, the actual environmental impact of modern cement plants will be provided in more detail.
- Present and future environmental legal requirements and their impact on exhaust gas cleaning in the cement industry (new IED, new Air Quality Directive)
- Further development of DeNOx catalysts for improved reduction of organic compounds
- Operational experiences with combined hot gas filtration and catalytic NOx abatement
- Operational experiences with the X-Mercury-Technology
- Requirements for waste gas cleaning systems with carbon capture technologies
- From Air to Water: Extended exhaust gas cleaning in a carbon processing unit
- Environmental impact of modern cement plants with high alternative fuel use: Outcome of measurements campaigns in the view environmental requirements
Agenda subject to change
Date and Time
Start: 12.12.2024
End: 12.12.2024
Start: 12.12.2024
End: 12.12.2024
Registration deadline
500,- EUR
(ECRA Members: 500 EUR, Non-Members: 1.000 EUR)
500,- EUR
(ECRA Members: 500 EUR, Non-Members: 1.000 EUR)