Greenhouse gas monitoring and reporting in the cement sector


The participants shall get an overview of different greenhouse gas monitoring and reporting approaches and of experiences with their application in the cement sector.

Target group

CO₂ and climate experts of cement companies, national and international associations, governmental organisations, verifiers and sustainability experts


The reporting of greenhouse-gas (GHG) emission reductions and accounting in emission trading schemes ask for specific monitoring and reporting (M&R) procedures. Different international reporting systems exist in parallel. Additional company internal reporting systems may be already established. In the light of the application of carbon capture technologies new questions are to be solved regarding the CO₂ accounting along the CCUS value chain. The EU has started to develop corresponding legislation, updating the EU ETS Monitoring and Reporting Regulation, Renewable Energy Directive, definition of synthetic renewable and recycled fuels (RFNBO, RCF), etc., with some risk of conflict between accounting approaches. At the same time the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) is updating its Cement CO₂ and Energy Protocol, in order to address needs for integrating use of new technologies in cement plants with GHG reporting. The seminar will give an overview of current developments and the existing M&R approaches and examples of their application in the cement sector.


  • Current status and developments on CO₂ Monitoring and Reporting in the EU
  • Overview EU regulatory framework for CCUS
  • Establishing a (Voluntary) Carbon Removal Certification Framework in the EU
  • Measuring captured CO₂ volumes
  • Development of the GCCA Cement CO₂ and Energy Protocol
  • Experiences with the GHG Protocol from a company’s perspective – current procedures and challenges in the future

Start time: 13.00h CET / End time: app. 17.00 CET

Agenda subject to change

Date and Time
Start: 14.05.2025
End: 14.05.2025
Registration deadline
500,- EUR
(ECRA Members: 500 EUR, Non-Members: 1.000 EUR)